The great thing about business owners and entrepreneurs is that they tend to have a can-do, roll up your sleeves attitude to getting things done. They aren’t afraid to jump in and take on new skills, particularly if it means saving money for themselves and their companies.

That is a great way to approach many parts of your life, and the world of business in general. It also happens to be one of the biggest reasons smaller companies struggle with technology. They make questionable decisions and pay more than they should for IT care simply because their first instinct is to experiment themselves, instead of calling a professional for assistance when they need it.

Let’s look at some of the ways taking a DIY approach to IT can cause problems in your business…

DIY Solutions Lead to Chronic IT Issues

The interesting thing about technology, especially these days, is that everything is connected. You already knew that, of course, but it should serve as a warning to anyone who is thinking of tinkering with their hardware or software.

Make one mistaken “fix” to a piece of hardware, for example, and it won’t matter how easy it looks in a YouTube tutorial or How To article – you could break your own equipment, invalidate your warranty, or cause more problems through a domino effect. When it comes to technology, it’s always better to get something done correctly the first time than it is to hope the issue will simply go away.

Lost Time is More Valuable Than Your IT Budget

Even if you could do a great job of managing your own technology, why would you want to? Your value to yourself and your company, as a business owner, is in the vision you provide and supervision you undertake. Your employees, likewise, have all been hired to fill specific roles.

Every hour you spend trying to fix a technical problem is one you aren’t devoting to your business. That might allow you to save a few dollars in the short run, but it also means you’re taking away your time and energy from the company.

Eventually, You Will Need Help With IT

Whether it’s because you try unsuccessfully to fix a technology problem yourself, or because you simply run into a situation that’s too severe or complex to attempt to repair yourself, you are very likely to end up calling an IT professional for help at some point. When that happens, it will be better to have a relationship with an existing company that you can trust, who knows your technology and its history.

Given the knowledge that getting good IT help is part of running a growing company, why not cut out hours or days of frustration and start working with the right team today?

The One Missing Detail in Your Business

If any of these problems plague you and your business, hopefully, we’ve given you a new perspective and shown you that serving as your own untrained IT manager – or giving the job to an employee who lacks the right qualifications – is a bad idea. However, understanding that is really only half of the solution. The other half involves finding a vendor to work with who is affordable, responsive, and tuned to your business needs.

That’s where the team at Fantastic IT comes in. Our friendly and insightful team can not only help you fix common IT problems but also to spot new opportunities (and cost-saving measures) you can put to work in your business right away. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see what our friendly staff can do for you!