If you’re a business owner, the start of a new year probably means a couple of things. First, you’re excited about all the possibilities to win new customers, expand your revenue, and grow your company in 2018. And second, you’ve probably reviewed your books and discover there are more than a few places you would like to cut costs in the coming months.

This is almost universally true when it comes to IT. That’s because business owners recognize they need technology to make their businesses run, but almost always feel like they are spending more than they should for billable IT hours without knowing exactly what they are getting in return.

Luckily, there is a solution to this problem. You can save cash, get better IT, and remove some of your biggest headaches all at the same time.

The Bottom Line Beauty of a Managed Services Agreement

If you haven’t already signed on to a managed services agreement – and with a trusted and respected outsourced IT team – then now is the time to make a change.

Under a managed services contract, you pay a set amount for IT care each month instead of paying one invoice after another for billable hours. That puts the responsibility on your vendor to come in and keep your hardware, software, and communications running smoothly. Contrast that with the old business model of fixing issues as they break, and you’ll notice you get a few distinct advantages:

Your IT Invoices Become Predictable – because you aren’t paying for emergency service calls out of the blue, you don’t have to wonder where you’re going to spend on technology assistance on a month-to-month basis. This makes it easier for business owners to plan their cash flow and take the uncertainty out of technology budgeting. Given that so many owners and executives tend to think of IT as a complete unknown on the balance sheet, this can be a huge relief for clients. Additionally, managed services agreements are almost always less expensive than billable service calls would be.

You Get Proactive IT Care – a good outsourced IT provider doesn’t like emergency calls any more than you do. That’s because they want to deal with issues before they become problems (or outages) in the first place. With a managed services agreement in effect, they can be more proactive in repairing, monitoring, and updating your technology so no one is being blindsided with hardware and software failures or error messages.

You Can Plan Big IT Changes Ahead of Time – most business owners find themselves replacing technology when it stops working, but why? You wouldn’t run any other part of your business this way. You don’t only hire new employees when existing personnel have to be fired, or look at office space because your last building was demolished. Using regular managed services care, you can make smarter decisions about technology in the coming months and years, saving you money and frustration in the process.

Is it Time to Make the Switch to Managed Services?

It’s always hard to change the way you run any part of your business, and we understand you might have questions about costs and other details associated with a managed services agreement. Rather than guessing about the answers you need, why not speak with a member of the Fantastic IT team today so we can explain your options?

In a few short minutes, we can provide you with all the information you need and get you a personalized quote for regular service. It just might be what you need to slash your technology budget in 2018 without sacrificing anything in return!