Technology is a beautiful thing. It can also drive you crazy, especially if you are trying to run a business while you juggle all of the other things you should be doing. The positive side of technology is that when used appropriately, it gives you greater control and more resources to do all the things you need to run a successful business. Are you putting technology to work for you? This blog is all about six IT tools that support your business.
1. New Trends and Emerging Tech
The lifecycle of technology is in constant motion as current tech evolves to meet the needs and demands of the world – both online and offline. If you are a business owner who is struggling with managing all that you do, then emerging technology is likely going to be your friend. It is through these innovations that you find better tools to manage time, resources, and to also find new customers while keeping your current customers happy. Tools such as automation, social media management, and improved customer support are a few of the options available. Are you ready to let technology help you manage your workload?
2. Data Recovery and Ransomware
According to the FBI, ransomware was one of the most prevalent cybercrimes in 2016. In 2017, it remains a constant threat. Ransomware is only one of the many cybersecurity issues that businesses face. Data loss is a door closer for many small- to medium-sized businesses. It is a mega financial hit to huge corporations. One of the tools that help reduce the threat of both ransomware and data loss is a quality data backup service. Before you get queasy thinking about data drives and manually backing up data every Saturday night, we have good news — Data backup is more user-friendly and hands-off thanks to data replication which is fast and accurate. Data replication gives businesses the ability to backup anytime and multiple times throughout the day without losing vasts amounts of time. The process takes a few minutes.
If your system suffers a ransomware attack or a data loss event, the damages you face are disastrous if you do not actively back up your data. With data recovery and backup, your data is secure
and safely stored in the cloud. What would happen to your business if you lost all of your data?
3. Network Efficiency and Managed Services
Network efficiency is a tool that many businesses need and that keeps your site up and running with all of the pieces of your network in top communication shape. As technology changes, it impacts the efficiency of hardware and software. Managed services is a tool that monitors that efficiency for signs of impaired ease of use. It is also a tool that keeps your clients and employees happy because they can interact with your network without delay. We’ve all had those days when your computer does not work properly. If that is your customer’s experience how likely are they to shop or work with you again?
A good example of why this is important is server speed. Businesses have about 1/10 of a second to make an impression on mobile shoppers. If your server is slow, then you are losing opportunities. While some of those delays have more to do with webpage optimizations, many times it is the server that is the issue. Is server or network inefficiency costing you customers?
4. Advanced Protection and Web Patches
Computer virus, malware, spyware, and the rest of the cyber denizens that plague us look for weaknesses that they can exploit. Sometimes those weaknesses are in operating systems, which is why companies like Microsoft and Apple constantly have updates. When it comes to software, it is often up to the end user (you) to install a patch. Sure, the companies make it easy but it takes time, and their approach is a one-size-fits-all model. If patch installation is not correct, it might not fix the security issue. If that is the case, then your system is exposed.
Do you know if all of your software is current and up to date with system security? What about the network’s security programs? Are they installed correctly?
5. Uptime and Dedicated Support
Your customers and site visitors rely on your site to be up and running at peak efficiency. Who monitors your site when you go home at the end of the day? Employees also rely on your network to be up and running too. Who do you turn to when there is a network problem? One of the best tools for businesses that do not have an internal IT department is outsourced IT services. This type of service provides advanced IT options without the huge price tag. Also, you gain dedicated personnel who monitor, install, repair, maintain, and protect your system so that it is always ready and available. Not only do you gain the advantage of a network that runs efficiently, but you lose the hassle of trying to manage this yourself.
6. Growth and Hardware Planning
Business growth and hardware planning are tied together. The process takes advantage of needed upgrades but does so in such a way as to set the business up for future growth. A good example of this type of strategy is moving an office from wired to wireless technology. Most devices these days offer both wired and wireless connections. Another example would be enabling servers to handle video and voice communications.
Hardware planning is also a way to utilize the benefits of emerging technology. Your business might not be ready for emerging technology, but it will be in the future. Growth and hardware planning allow businesses to use upgrade opportunities to develop the foundation for organized growth. Does your company need to grow? If so, is its hardware holding you back?
These six IT tools help business owners and their management team do more with less labor. That freedom allows you and your team to focus on the aspects of running and growing the company. Are you ready to gain focus and lose the hassle of everyday IT issues? If so, give the cloud integration experts a call at Fantastic IT