When technology isn’t working the way it’s supposed to, or lasting as long as it should, businesspeople tend to look for easy fixes. They assume a piece of hardware was defective, for example, or that they should have bought a different item. That can sometimes be the case, but it’s also true that there are a number of environmental factors that can affect the functionality and lifespan of your tech.

In this particular instance, we aren’t talking about the environment in a planetary sense, but rather the space you work in. Let’s look at seven often-ignored factors that can affect your technology in a big way…

#1 Hot or Cold Temperatures
Modern technology is pretty resilient, but your hardware and devices are designed to work within certain temperature ranges. Heat in particular can be very harmful to the performance of microchips, hard drives, and servers. It’s crucial that these types of devices be stored in climate -controlled spaces.

#2 Dust and Ventilation
Trust us when we tell you that you never really realize how much dust there is in the world until you have to clean out the inside of a workstation that has never been opened up before. Keeping your computers away from dust, or at least making sure they are cleaned regularly, can help them to last longer and perform without errors.

#3 Files, Furniture, and Debris
It isn’t uncommon to see hardware like computer workstations and in-office backup drives wedged between file cabinets and other obstructions. Unfortunately, these setups can lead to issues with heating ventilation, and can even pose risks for a fire to break out.

#4 Moisture in the Air
Most of your tech devices like to run on cool, clean, dry air. Excessive moisture can be corrosive for a number of reasons, particularly if condensation is forming in places where it shouldn’t. Not only can this harm your computers and devices, but it can lead to issues like mold or electrical shocks.

#5 Inconsistent Electrical Power
Some older buildings have wiring and electrical outlets that might be stressed by modern technology needs. This can cause slow computer performance, high energy costs, and (most significantly) the chance of power surges and electrical fires. Your IT provider can help you determine whether it’s time to call an electrician or not.

#6 Proximity to Other Machines
Believe it or not, some of your technology can actually be affected by other devices that are in proximity. That’s because electrical interference, heat, and power needs can overlap or build upon one another. An IT professional can help you identify and resolve any conflicts or issues between machines.

#7 Contact with Employees
In many businesses, employees are actually the biggest environmental threat to technology. They bump things, unplug cords, and spill coffees and sodas on a regular basis. If possible, you should keep expensive and important devices away from high-traffic areas for these reasons.

Need Help Evaluating Your Tech Setup?
A Fantastic IT service technician can help you to evaluate your office or facility to ensure there aren’t any issues that could be affecting the value or performance of your hardware – or worse, creating electrical and fire hazards. Contact us today to schedule a visit from a member of our team and see how we can help!