You know it, you love it, you hear about it nonstop from your friends, family, coworkers, employees, podcasts, tv shows, people at the gym, people at the grocery store – how much we talk about the cloud is indicative of how important it has become in our lives!

For businesses, the cloud has – in a technological blink – become a critical piece of IT infrastructure for every single organization on planet earth. Without the cloud, society would cease functioning as we know it.

With that in mind, there’s no surprise that cloud migration has become a critical step for businesses of all sizes as they look to keep up with the times and avoid being left behind with dial up internet and landline telly-pfones.

So how does one…cloud migrate…exactly? In this article, we’ll cover the basics that business owners need to know to develop a successful cloud migration strategy – before you sink a bunch of time and money into it.

The Basics Of Cloud Migration

Cloud migration is pretty simple – what used to happen locally in your office now happens online.

In other words, cloud migration involves moving an organization’s digital assets, services, databases, IT resources, and applications from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based environments. This process can be partial or comprehensive, depending on the organization’s goals and requirements.

Cloud migration is happening in droves across industries – which means if you aren’t doing it, your competitors definitely are, and that means you’re already getting left behind. Here are some simple stats that prove how popular cloud migration is across the world:

These statistics underscore the importance of developing a well-thought-out cloud migration strategy for businesses looking to stay competitive in the digital age.

Key Steps to Develop a Cloud Migration Strategy

So how do you develop a comprehensive cloud migration strategy that will result in a clear, clean, efficient migration for your business – ensuring minimal disruptions and smooth operations from beginning to end?

We always recommend talking with an IT expert when it comes to making a good IT plan, but if you want to do it on your own, we have another article that covers IT planning from a more general level.

1. Assess Your Current IT Landscape

Before embarking on your cloud migration journey, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your existing IT infrastructure. This assessment should include:

  • Inventory of applications and workloads
  • Data volume and complexity
  • Current infrastructure costs
  • Performance metrics
  • Security and compliance requirements

A thorough assessment helps identify which applications and data are suitable for migration and which might need to be refactored or replaced. This step aligns with the principles of IT asset management, which is crucial for effective cloud migration planning.

2. Define Clear Objectives and Goals

Establishing clear objectives for your cloud migration is essential for guiding decision-making throughout the process. Common goals include:

  • Cost reduction
  • Improved scalability and flexibility
  • Enhanced performance and reliability
  • Better security and compliance
  • Faster time-to-market for new products and services

According to a survey by Wipro FullStride Cloud Services, organizations that executed a well-planned move to the cloud reported revenue increases of up to 15% and profitability increases of up to 4%.

3. Choose the Right Cloud Migration Strategy

There are several approaches to cloud migration. In the industry, they’re referred to as the “7 Rs” of migration:

  • Rehost (Lift and Shift): Move applications to the cloud without modifications.
  • Replatform (Lift, Tinker, and Shift): Make minor optimizations during migration.
  • Refactor: Redesign applications to be cloud-native.
  • Repurchase: Switch to a different product, often involving a move to a SaaS platform.
  • Retire: Eliminate applications that are no longer needed.
  • Retain: Keep certain applications on-premises.
  • Relocate: Move infrastructure to the cloud without purchasing new hardware or modifying existing applications.

The choice of strategy depends on factors such as application complexity, business criticality, and long-term goals.

4. Select the Appropriate Cloud Provider and Services

Choosing the right cloud provider is crucial for the success of your migration. Consider the following factors and apply them to your business’s unique situation.

  • Service offerings and features
  • Pricing models
  • Performance and reliability
  • Security and compliance certifications
  • Geographic availability
  • Support and documentation

According to recent data, AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud accounted for 66% of total cloud spending in Q4 2023.

5. Develop a Detailed Migration Plan

Create a comprehensive migration plan that outlines all of the following.

  • Prioritization of applications and workloads for migration
  • Timeline and milestones
  • Resource allocation (both human and technical)
  • Risk assessment and mitigation strategies
  • Testing and validation procedures
  • Rollback plans

A well-structured plan helps ensure a smooth migration process and minimizes disruptions to business operations. This aligns with the principles of IT project management, which is essential for successful cloud migrations.

6. Implement Strong Governance and Security Measures

Establish robust governance and security frameworks to protect your data and ensure compliance in the cloud environment. This includes:

  • Identity and access management
  • Data encryption
  • Network security
  • Compliance monitoring and reporting
  • Disaster recovery and business continuity planning

60% of C-Suite executives consider security to be the top benefit of cloud computing, ahead of cost savings and scalability.

7. Prepare Your Team and Organization

Cloud migration often requires new skills and processes. Ensure your team is prepared by:

  • Providing training and upskilling opportunities
  • Hiring new talent with cloud expertise
  • Partnering with cloud migration specialists
  • Fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation

This step aligns with the importance of IT training in maintaining a competitive edge in the technology sector.

8. Execute the Migration in Phases

As with any other IT project, we greatly suggest you implement your migration plan in stages, starting with less critical applications to minimize risk. This phased approach allows you to:

  • Test and validate your migration process
  • Identify and address issues early
  • Build confidence and expertise within your team
  • Minimize disruptions to business operations

As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your perfect cloud-migrated IT infrastructure won’t be built in a day, either. Start small and achieve obtainable goals.

9. Monitor, Optimize, and Iterate

Post-migration, continuously monitor your cloud environment to:

  • Ensure performance meets expectations
  • Identify opportunities for optimization
  • Manage costs effectively
  • Address any security or compliance issues

According to Accenture, organizations can reduce carbon emissions by up to 84% and energy consumption by up to 65% by moving to the cloud, contributing to sustainability goals.

Common Challenges in Cloud Migration

While cloud migration offers numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of potential challenges:

  • Data security and privacy concerns: Ensure robust security measures are in place to protect sensitive data during and after migration.
  • Compliance issues: Maintain compliance with industry regulations throughout the migration process.
  • Skill gaps: Address any skill shortages within your team through training or external partnerships.
  • Legacy system compatibility: Determine how to handle legacy applications that may not be cloud-compatible.
  • Cost management: Implement proper cost monitoring and optimization strategies to avoid unexpected expenses.

Consider Yourself…Migrated

Now that you have the basics of what goes into developing a comprehensive cloud migration strategy, you just gotta go out there and do it. While it can seem daunting to cover all that ground – it’s critical to your business and beneficial to other areas of your business.

By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying informed about the latest trends and best practices, organizations can ensure a smooth transition to the cloud while maximizing the value of their investment. You’ll not only have a smooth migration, but you’ll have a better grasp of your IT needs and how to meet them than before.

Remember that cloud migration is an ongoing process, and continuous optimization and adaptation are key to long-term success in the cloud environment.