Are you worried about the security of your company’s data? Afraid hackers might break in and steal your emails, customer records, or financial information?

We wish we could tell you to rest easy. However, the unfortunate fact is that cyber crimes will probably increase in 2018, just as they have almost every other year since the internet became a powerful tool for business and communication. As long as there are criminals who are willing to steal and business owners who don’t pay close attention to data security, the losses are going to continue to climb.

The good news, though, is that you don’t have to make yourself an easy target for thieves. In fact, by following a few simple tips and best practices, you can go a long way towards keeping the wrong kinds of people away from sensitive information.

Today, we want to help you out by sharing a few things every business owner should know about data security…

You are the First Line of Defense in Cyber Security

A lot of business owners assume cyber security involves complex software, encrypted file transfers, and huge workstations where statistics are monitored by the minute. These things all matter, but in truth you are the first line of defense against thieves who want to steal data.

By updating your software regularly, using strong (and unique) passwords for all of your accounts, and making commonsense choices about the websites you visit and the information you share with others, you can stop yourself from being an easy target for online criminals.

The technical side of data security is incredibly important, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have good personal habits when it comes to dealing with sensitive information.

Your Data is Actually Safer in the Cloud

There is a misconception out there that files stored locally (on a flash drive or portable backup device, for instance) are safer than files transmitted for storage through the web. When it comes to cloud-based backup and data recovery, though, those ideas are just not accurate.

When you send regular backups to the cloud, exchanges are made with bank-level encryption. What’s more, your backups are tested regularly to ensure that they are valid, and run at quick intervals to ensure your files are always up-to-date. Most in-office backup systems can’t come close to matching that level of security.

Additionally, by keeping important files offsite, you protect yourself in the event something happens to your office or facility. That’s an added layer of safety you can’t get otherwise.

Good Data Security Has 3 Layers

Good data security is about three things: prevention, monitoring, and backup.

Prevention involves those tough passwords we mentioned, along with the right software and firewalls to keep your data safe within your company. Monitoring is needed to ensure any breaches or attacks are detected as they happen, not days or weeks later. And finally, your backups need to be secure, valid, and accessible, just as we’ve already mentioned.

If your plan is missing any of those layers, you’re more vulnerable to cyber attacks – and the damage they bring to your company – than you might realize.

Want Help With Data Security and Business IT?

Let’s face it: most business owners don’t have the time or inclination to pay much attention to online security. They just want to be protected from thieves, hackers, and cyber attacks.

At Fantastic IT in Southern California, we have affordable packages that work for companies of any size. So, if you want to stay protected from online theft – and keep your business running smoothly at the same time – you should call us to schedule a free consultation. In less than an hour we’ll show you how to stay safe for a while getting more from your IT budget every month.

Call us today at 855-876-9363 to see how we can help!