Anyone who owns a business knows how critical it is to stay up-to-date on the latest technological updates and trends that are relevant to your industry and society at large.

Incredible leaps are being made every single year as we creep continually toward the sci-fi future envisioned by the likes of William Gibson. 2022 has already seen the emergence of advanced AI like ChatGPT that have had an immediate and revolutionary impact on businesses across the world.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the emerging trends that you need to take advantage of to stay competitive in months and years ahead. 

1. Composable Applications

Composable applications – software that is built on bundles of existing code – allow businesses to adapt and respond quickly to the insane pace of modern markets. Composable apps allow users to add or subtract elements of an application or system more quickly and more efficiently than in the past.

IT analyst firm Gartner predicts that by 2025, 60% of applications will be composed of reusable components, enabling organizations to scale efficiently, innovate faster, and reduce development costs. 

2. Data Fabric

Data fabric technology is a strategic IT approach that standardizes your company’s data management strategies across the entirety of your organization or between discrete teams– something that is becoming increasingly critical as we continue to migrate online as a species. 

It’s predicted that organizations adopting data fabric technology will experience a 30% reduction in the time spent on data integration tasks – which will allow your teams to make better decisions, more quickly, resulting in increased productivity at lower cost.

3. Decision Intelligence

We all know how critical AI is becoming to the workflow of everyday operations, in everything from customer service to critical manufacturing operations. Inserting AI into your decision-making processes in order to automate common decisions is what’s known as decision intelligence.

Decision intelligence combines AI, analytics, and automation to optimize decision-making processes within businesses. Gartner predicts that 40% of decision-making tasks will be augmented by decision intelligence, so adopting this technology quickly can give you an advantage over your competitors.

4. Privacy-Enhancing Computation

It seems like every day we hear about yet another data breach at a giant corporation. Companies the size of Yahoo! and Equifax have been hacked and data has been taken to the tune of billions of dollars in loss to everyone involved except the hackers.

As more critical infrastructure moves online and data privacy concerns grow, AI is stepping in to help with the security and safety of your company’s data. By 2025, it’s estimated that 50% of global enterprises will adopt privacy-enhancing computation techniques like real-time AI firewalls that adapt to threats as they happen.

5. Generative AI

In what is probably the most obvious item on this list, we’ve got Generative AI making a MASSIVE impact on businesses in 2023 and beyond. Generative AI models, such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, empower businesses to create original content, design prototypes, and generate code. 

It may not come as a surprise that AI applications are expected to grow 300% by 2025 as businesses across categories and borders utilize the powerful tool that is generative AI. It can help you in practically every element of your business from marketing to operations.

6. Hyperautomation

Achieving Efficiency through Intelligent Automation

Hyperautomation combines advanced technologies like AI, machine learning, and robotic process automation to automate end-to-end processes. By 2024, Gartner forecasts that 50% of large enterprises will deploy hyper-automation platforms, significantly reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency.

7. Web 3.0

If you don’t know what Web 3.0 is, you can ask your Gen Z nephew at the next family gathering what the best NFT is, and by the end of the night, you’ll be a regular Web 3.0 Wizard.

Web 3.0 is basically everything that was big in the news in 2021 – you know, stuff like crypto. But Web 3.0 is far more than just cryptocurrencies. Web 3.0 involves all sorts of next-level online applications like dapps and DAOs, decentralized exchanges and communities, blockchain technology. All of which will eventually reshape the internet, like social media did before.

The prophecy for Web 3.0 is that by 2025, 15% of user-generated content will be created on Web 3.0 platforms. It’s important to keep your digital ear to the ground with regard to Web 3.0 opportunities that can impact your business. Maybe it’s buying some land in the Metaverse (just kidding!).

8. Human-Machine Interfaces

Advancements in human-machine interfaces, including brain-computer interfaces, voice recognition, and haptic feedback, will revolutionize how people interact with technology. This relates to Web 3.0 – as things like VR begin to reach mainstream saturation, they will be able to use machines to enhance how they interact with IT.

Soon, virtual malls where you can smell the virtual cinnamon rolls and virtual rainforests where you can feel the virtual rain will be commonplace. If you’re in tech or similar, you can usually use some of these technologies right away. If you’re in a more traditional industry, you can get creative with how you can use it with your business.

9. Cybersecurity Mesh

Cybersecurity mesh, or Cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA) is similar to your data fabric – it’s an overarching architecture consisting of IT systems that secure and protect businesses. Your cybersecurity mesh is the combination of cutting-edge tools and tech you deploy to protect your business from attacks.

Gartner anticipates that by 2025, businesses will use 60% of their security budgets to analyze and execute cybersecurity mesh solutions. It makes sense with how important your data is to succeeding in today’s digital age, doesn’t it?

10. Carbon-Neutral Computing

As businesses grapple with the need for sustainable practices – the clock is ticking for us to hit sustainability goals – carbon-neutral computing offers a path to environmental responsibility. 

Gartner forecasts that by 2025, 70% of IT organizations will implement carbon-neutral computing practices. 

It’s critical for businesses to stay on the bleeding edge of technological advances, especially given the incredible wonders that technology can produce for humans in 2023.

By employing these emerging technologies, you can make sure you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to maximizing your IT resources to grow your business.