Should You Care That You Don’t Own Your Company’s Software?
If you’ve talked with enough business owners or executives over the past couple of years, you may have heard a complaint that has crept up in the minds of some old-school types:...
Does Continuity Matter With IT Vendors?
There are some business owners and executives who will switch IT providers at the drop of a hat. And of course there are others who will wait far too long to fire an...
The Simple Reason Most Businesses Pay Too Much for IT Support
Do you feel like you are probably paying more than you should be to your outsourced IT vendor? In years of conversations with business owners and executives, we have found that...
Is There a Better Way to Think About IT Budgets and Technology Planning?
Most of the new clients who come to us have one of two IT strategies in place: missing or incomplete. There are actually good reasons for this. It isn’t that entrepreneurs,...
3 Reasons Why Your Business Might Avoid Crypto (For Now)
Not long ago, we gave some basic advice on how to deal with the rise of crypto currency. Because this is a topic that generates so much discussion, we wanted to revisit the...
How to Get Your IT Budget Under Control
As you’d expect, lots of new clients turn to us because they want better IT care. That means fewer problems with their hardware networks, not to mention faster response times....
How to Get Rid of Your Biggest IT Headache
We feel safe in saying that there is one thing all business owners, CEOs, and executives hate. No matter how big their firms are or what kind of technology they use, all of them...
Should You Pay Someone to Hack Your Company?
Once your business reaches a certain size or level of success, new vendors start coming out of the woodwork. Suddenly, there are lawyers, accountants, and marketing experts who...
3 Ways AI Might Change in the Next Decade?
If you are a regular reader of our business IT blog, then you already know that artificial intelligence (or AI) is no longer science fiction or a future technology. In fact, it’s...
Outsourcing IT: One Big Trap to Avoid
Sometimes, we meet with clients who are just coming out of a very poor relationship with a previous managed services vendor. When we unpack the details of poor service, long...
One Hidden Benefit of Having the Right IT Partner
Human nature works in a way that most of us think of skills as being almost binary – you either have them or you don’t. If you’ve seen the movie The Matrix, you might remember a...
Do Device and Computer Brands Still Matter in 2021?
Although it’s the sort of thing you might not notice if you don’t work in the tech industry, an interesting trend has been developing over the past few years: mobile devices and...
One Huge IT Lesson From the Pandemic
Business schools will still be dissecting trends and takeaways from the pandemic decades from now. For those who have to manage sales, revenue, and expenses in real time, though,...
What Does a Managed Services Agreement Include?
If you have spent any amount of time in our blog, then you know we often make the suggestion to find a managed services provider for consistent, reliable tech support at a...
Are You Sabotaging Your Own IT Team?
If they were being honest, most of our clients would probably admit that they prefer IT specialists to be out of sight and out of mind. That is, they want their technology to...
Why So Many Entrepreneurs Ask the Wrong IT Questions?
Many business owners, when faced with a situation where some of their technology isn’t working the way it’s supposed to, will ask themselves a simple question: can I fix this...
Are You Ignoring an Important Part of Your Tech Budget?
Usually, when a business owner or chief technology officer mentions their technology budget, it’s in the context of the money they will need to spend on renewals, upgrades, and...
3 IT Boosters That Have Nothing To Do With Tech
Because technology is our area of expertise, we spend a lot of time thinking (and posting) about actual hardware and software. Most of what we have to say about productivity,...