Be On The Lookout For Covid-19 Themed Tech Scams
Tough times can bring out the best in us, both as individuals and as a collective group. Unfortunately, not everyone wants to rise to the occasion or pitch in for the greater...
One Low Tech Tip for this Covid-19 Economy
We have spent a lot of time in the last few months helping our customers and clients to adapt to the Covid-19 economy. Today we want to take a different track and remind you...
How to Turn Tech Into a Business Strength Instead of a Weakness
In our years of experience working with business owners and executives, we have noticed something interesting: technology is almost always an advantage or a weakness within a...
4 Things Your Employees Should Know About Tech
When it comes to technology, most business owners want their employees to know how to use the devices and applications that are available. That’s important, because you can’t get...
Is Your Tech Ready for Permanent Work-at-Home Arrangements?
As we predicted on our blog months ago, the coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of organizations to rethink the need for keeping staff in centralized offices. Around the...
Are You Making the Most of New Communications Tools?
Despite what manufacturers some tech manufacturers and IT providers would like you to think, you don’t always necessarily have to upgrade to the latest and greatest version of...
Should Businesses Continue With Planned Tech Investments?
As the coronavirus pandemic and accompanying recession drag on, one question we're hearing from our clients is: should businesses go forward with planned tech expenses and...
The Next Stage of Remote Work and Project Management
Over the last couple of months, businesses of all sizes have adjusted to the reality of remote working. Now, even as the U.S. begins the re-opening process, many of them are...
Are You Missing the Big IT Lessons of 2020?
Ask the average business owner or executive what the theme of 2020 has been so far and they might tell you “chaos.” That’s certainly true, but there are also some lessons we are...
What Online Voting Debates Can Teach You About Cybersecurity
With the coronavirus pandemic still at the front of many decision-makers' minds, the upcoming U.S. elections provide a logistical challenge: how to let millions of people safely...
Is Your Business Vulnerable to Denial of Service Attacks?
In recent months, we have posted several times about the risks associated with ransomware. That’s partly because clients often ask about them, and also because they continue to...
What Makes For A Successful Online Sales Presentation?
Lots of salespeople – even really successful ones – will freely admit they prefer to present to customers and clients in person. However, with the current pandemic keeping most...
Is Your Business Prepared for the Next Few Months?
One of the things we often post about on our blog is the need to be prepared for both technology disruptions and changing business conditions. In the past couple of months, most...
The Three Kinds of IT Investments You Should Make Right Now
The uncertainty and economic turmoil that have come with the coronavirus pandemic are affecting businesses of every size. As a result, many are looking for ways to save cash...
One Instant IT Lesson from the Coronavirus Pandemic
It goes without saying that the coronavirus pandemic has caught most of the business world flat-footed. Few of us saw the epidemic coming, and we think we can fairly say that...
How to Improve Online Meetings in 4 Easy Steps
Here at Fantastic IT in Southern California, we have been big proponents of online meetings for many years. As we pointed out in our blog, they are cost-effective, don’t require...
How Tech Can Keep Your Team Together During the Current Health Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic has already turned the business world upside down, and all indications suggest that there is more of the same to come. Not only are millions of people...
How to Get More from Your Home Office
If you’re reading this, there is an excellent chance that you (or possibly your employees) are trying to adjust to a work-at-home schedule that you never anticipated. With...