The Heart of a Strong Business IT Strategy
When business people think about “IT strategy,” they tend to focus on hardware and technical details like gigabytes and core speeds. Or, their minds turn to the expenses...
Getting the Most From Your Business Wireless Devices
The world is going wireless, and has been for some time. Most of us have gone from being amazed at the things we can do with computers, phones, and apps to wondering how we can...
Do Your IT Vendor’s Technical Certifications Matter?
If you are in the process of looking for an outsourced IT team to help with your company’s technology you might have noticed that many businesses (Fantastic IT included) promote...
3 Things You Get From A Great Outsourced IT Partner
Here at Fantastic IT, we spend a good deal of time educating new clients about what a strong managed services agreement looks like. In many cases, they simply don’t know what...
7 IT Mistakes Your Employees Could Be Making Right Now
Typically, when business owners tell us they are worried about their technology or data security, it’s usually because they are envisioning thieves and hackers who want to steal...
How the Right IT Partner Can Help You Get More Vacation Time
In quiet moments during consultations and service calls, many of the business owners we work with admit that even though they love running their companies they wish they could...
Why It’s Time To Stop Putting Off Nagging IT Problems
Are there nagging tech problems in your small business that you keep meaning to deal with at some point in the future, but never seem to get around to? Do you have printers that...
5 Ways AI May Soon Improve Your Small Business
Artificial intelligence has long fascinated scientists, writers, and business leaders alike. For decades, we’ve been hearing about the many possibilities that arise when machines...
7 Smart IT Tips for a Brand-New Business
Are you starting a company from scratch? If so, deciding which pieces of technology you want to use – or which ones you can afford – might seem like a big hurdle. It’s easy for...
How a Little Bit of IT Training Can Save Your Business Huge Amounts of Money
Although many of our new clients don’t necessarily realize it, providing training to business owners and employees is an important part of what we do. Naturally, we don’t try to...
Stop! Read This Before Fixing Your Own Tech
There are a lot of mistakes business owners and managers make when it comes to technology. It’s unfortunate that the most common also tends to be the one that’s easiest to avoid...
What Does a Good Backup and Recovery Plan Include?
In a recent post, we reminded business owners and executives that they should set up (or review) their backup and disaster recovery plans before heading out on summer vacation....
Are You Forgetting an Important IT Task?
Summer is around the corner, and that means things will slow down at a lot of companies across Southern California. Owners and executives will be thinking about long vacations...
What Should You Do With Old Computers and Hardware?
Today’s businesses are more reliant on technology than ever before. Whether you have a one-person company or an enterprise with thousands of employees you’re probably upgrading...
3 Ways to Smooth Out Your IT Cashflow
For a lot of small and medium-sized businesses the hardest part about managing technology isn’t making computers, phones, and software work together – it’s devising a regular...
Why Everyone at Your Company Wants Outsourced IT Help
Meeting with new clients usually means talking to a business owner, department head, or technology executive. Any of these might make a buying decision based on their own unique...
3 Myths About Viruses and Malware
We spend a lot of time talking to new and prospective clients about computer viruses and malware. The business owners and executives we meet with are understandably worried about...
The Hidden Costs of a Tech Upgrade
In theory, replacing one piece of technology (like a computer workstation) for a newer or faster model should be simple. You buy the new item, plug it in, and enjoy the benefits…...